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Being an athiest doesn't mean I don't believe in anything or that I lack a moral compass. I just don't believe there's a god and my actions, thoughts and opinions aren't driven by a desire to stay on a god's good side.


But when it came to saying what I do believe in, I was stuck listing things or using examples to explain my beliefs. When someone says they're Jewish or a Scientologist, people generally have at least a rough idea of what that means.


The things I believe in and the concepts of how I try to live my life didn't come with a name or a label ... so I gave them one: Shenaniganism. The somewhat silly name for a set of real beliefs and guiding principals is no accident. It's a reminder that above all else, life should be fun and enjoyed and accompanied by much laughter.


Once I had a label and put my ideas on paper, I was still stuck with explaining myself because no one knows what a Shenaniganist is ... hence, the need for this site. So join us and spread the word, because life is always more fun when shenanigans are involved.

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