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the book

of shen

Shenanigans: silly or high-spirited behavior, mischief, hijinks


This is the dictionary definition and the one most often associated with the word shenanigans. Is Shenaniganism, then, a religion of silliness and hijinks? First, Shenaniganism is not a religion - but we'll get to that. Second, while it encourages high-spirits, fun and celebration, it is also a belief system that is taken seriously by those who practice it.


So why Shenaniganism?


I once had a group of friends for whom a get-together was often preceded by someone sending out a text or social media message asking, "Who's up for some shenanigans?" Although the shenanigans in question on these occasions were definitely in the hijinks and mischief category, it's the friendship and camaraderie that I remember most about our gatherings.


Sometime later and under different circumstances, I revealed that I was an atheist and someone asked, “How can you not believe in anything?” I've found it's not uncommon for people to assume that lack of belief in a higher power equals lack of belief. Period. But for me, at least, nothing could be further from the truth. I belief in loyalty and love, commitment and friendship, fun and laughter, hope, kindness, acceptance, joy and all manner of positivity.


As I explained and expounded on my beliefs, my thoughts kept returning to that group of friends and how often I'd felt these things when I was with them; and the best word for what I believe in naturally seemed to be the one that brought us all together so many times: Shenanigans.


And so I'd like to thank those people in my life, past and present, who've inspired me and made me realize that – as schmaltzy as it sounds – although I don't believe there's a god out there, I know there's a hell of a lot of good.

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