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grief &


As stated early on, Shenaniganism does not try to explain or go into long discussions about what happens to us when we die. Without a god it follows that there is no concept of an afterlife, so Shenaniganists believe that we simply cease to exist. And that is why living to the fullest in the present is so important –- it's all we've got. What we do today matters today; our deeds and misdeeds are not being tallied up to determine whether we'll be rewarded or punished in the end.


While it might initially be difficult to grasp the idea that one day we will no longer be on this earth, it's because we are trying to imagine our own non-existence from the perspective of existence. Once we no longer are there will be no ability to remember that we once were. 


Of course, the same cannot be said when we lose a loved one. The ability to remember that they were, who they were and how much they're missed is palpable. Shenaniganism understands that these are the times when its followers may struggle with the lack of something beyond this life because the need to hold on, to have that person remain with us in some form or fashion, is extremely powerful. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in foxholes.


Shenaniganists who have accepted and come to peace with the idea that after death, their own and that of those they love, there is nothing else, believe that we will always have those we've lost with us in our memories. Which is, again, why now is paramount -- today's actions, words and gestures, the kindness we show our friends and family, the bonds we form, the love we give and the thoughts of it, will be all we have one day. Much like when dealing with anything else from the past, they remember the good times and take comfort in knowing that they made the effort to spend time together and say things that needed to be said. They don't dwell on mistakes or arguments, or things they wished they could have done differently. To do so would be unhealthy and unfair to the memory of the person they lost.


They may even carry on conversations in their mind with their departed friend or relative during times of meditation or when they're missing them very much, because why not? It helps lessen the pain and sometimes there are just things you wish you could share if you still could. Shenaniganism doesn't recognize eternity, but it doesn't pretend we're not human and it understands that this is just one of the ways we find comfort.


A Shenaniganist who has come to this point in their beliefs would never force the concept on another follower during a time of loss. We know that each person must grieve in his or her own way and attempting to instruct someone how to mourn is not only wrong, it's cruel. Shenaniganists feel that saying something like "he just doesn't exist anymore" to someone struggling with a recent death is just as insensitive as saying "he's in a better place now." Because at that time, the only place the person wants him is here and alive.

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